Exceptional blood loss anaemia
Anemia is defined as a reduction in the amount of haemoglobin or the red blood cells
which carry it. Anemia occurs whenever the haematopoietic equilibrium is disturbed
by increased loss, reduced production or dysfunctional haemoglobin in red blood
Anemia may result from a variety of causes. For example, it may be
hereditary, as in sickle cell anaemia; it may be metabolic, as in folate deficiency; it
may be aplastic, as in drug-induced; anaemia’s final common denominator is tissue
hypoxia. Because the development of chronic anaemias allow sufficient time for the
development of compensatory changes, affected individuals become capable of
tolerating quite low haemoglobin levels. Because of religious convictions some
patients (e.g. Jehovah’s Witnesses) do not allow the transfusion of blood; in other
cases, difficulties sometimes arise while attempting to successfully cross-match
blood in a timely fashion. Uncommon blood types and certain haemolytic anaemias
could also benefit from HBOT.. Hart et al reported on the use of hyperbaric oxygen
therapy in treating 26 patients, of which 22 were Jehovah’s Witnesses. The total duration of
hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments depended on the severity of the blood loss as
well as the patients underlying state. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy plays no role in the
management of chronic anaemias.
The treatment regimens provided today involves a very detailed approach, using
pulmonary wedge pressures, calculation of the oxygen debt, providing intensive
medical care and titrating hyperbaric oxygen therapy (to address calculated oxygen
debt) in accordance with strict protocols.
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